New Funding Opportunities for Innovation and Research in Education

The U.S. Department of Education (ED) has launched its 2020 competition for the Early-phase grants through the Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program. Both the former Investing in Innovation (i3) grant program and the current EIR program have focused on projects involving evidence-based innovations for high-needs Pre-K–12 students. They have always required those projects to include rigorous, independent evaluations, with an emphasis on meeting What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) Standards. Applications for this EIR competition must be submitted by September 10th.

This year’s Early-phase EIR competition focuses on making awards in two main areas—projects involving innovations in STEM and projects involving “Teacher-Directed Professional Learning”. The STEM priority topic includes a competitive preference priority for expanding computer science opportunities, and the professional learning topic includes a competitive preference priority for projects involving a state educational agency.

If your organization is developing or considering a proposal for an early-phase EIR grant, we encourage you to contact us to discuss your project evaluation needs. Rockman et al (REA) has conducted several independent evaluations for past i3 grantees. Two of those grants were for the early-phase/development tier (WestEd/CCAP) and another grant was for the mid-phase/validation tier (a2i). Currently, REA is the evaluator of an early-phase EIR project focused on enhancing academic opportunities with English language development instruction for high school newcomers. For more information about these and other evaluations of K–12 innovations by REA, including evaluations entailing experimental or quasi-experimental designs, please visit the REA website or reach out to us.