Rockman et al Cooperative conducts evaluations for a variety of initiatives that focused on enhancing instruction and learning opportunities for multilingual or English learners (ELs). These projects include professional learning activities for PK-12 educators and paraeducators, programs for students and families, as well as curriculum and other instructional resources. We welcome the opportunity to discuss your project needs and to provide you with more information about our tailored services. Please Contact Us to schedule a free 30-minute Q&A session with a consultant.
Selected Projects Include
Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash
Cabrini University: EXITO & ADELANTE
Cabrini University, in partnership with three local school districts, is running two projects supported by National Professional Development grants from the Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition. Projects EXITO (SUCCESS) for English Language Learners and ADELANTE (FORWARD) for English Language Learners provide a pathway for teachers to earn an English as a Second Language certificate and for teachers and paraprofessionals in the schools to gain skills to better support English learners (ELs) in their classrooms. In addition to professional development courses, EXITO and ADELANTE provide opportunities for families of English learners to participate in family literacy workshops. REA is researching the implementation and impact of the EXITO and ADELANTE programs on teachers, students, families, and the larger school communities.
Photo courtesy of marco antonio torres via CC licensing.
Multilingual Learner Project
The Multilingual Learner Project (MLP) was a partnership between the City College of New York and New Visions for Public Schools funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition. The program was designed to allow in-service, content-area high school teachers in New York City to obtain TESOL certification and onsite training and support focused on strengthening connections between school and home. REA’s research focused on investigating the implementation of training program and its influence on teachers’ practice and communication with families, and utilized a quasi-experimental design with matching to estimate program effects on students’ language development and progress toward graduation.
Photo by Taylor Flowe on Unsplash
The Summer Academy for Integrated Language Learning
The Summer Academy for Integrated Language Learning (SAILL) is a high school summer program with integrated English language development designed to help address inequitable access to core academics—including STEM and computer science—for newcomer multilingual students. The program expands opportunities to earn high school credits and enhance English language learning. REA is the evaluator of SAILL, which received a five-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education’s Education Innovation and Research program. The evaluation is researching SAILL implementation, its impacts on students (through quasi-experimental research), and strategies for replication and scaling.
UC Berkeley: Teachers of Writing and Language Inquiry
The Bay Area Writing Project’s (BAWP) Teachers of Writing and Language Inquiry Project (TWLIP) provides professional learning program for secondary level teachers designed to increase their collective efficacy in writing practices that support English Learners through an intensive summer learning experience and a year-long inquiry cycle. Teachers attend the BAWP summer institute with school-site teams, and then meet throughout the school year to examine student writing, collaboratively plan and implement writing strategies through the Model-Practice-Reflect instructional sequence. Teacher leadership is supported through facilitator training at an advanced BAWP institute for teachers who have participated in TWLIP. The project is also developing professional learning and credentialing opportunities for pre-service teachers. TWLIP is supported through a National Professional Development grant funded from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition to the University of California, Berkeley, where BAWP is located. REA is researching both implementation and impact on teacher and student outcomes.
UC Riverside: Project Adelante and Project Avanzando
The University of California, Riverside (Project Adelante: Moving Forward) was awarded a multiyear National Professional Development grants in 2017 and 2021 from the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of English Language Acquisition. With the first award, Project Adelante provided professional development for teachers and paraprofessionals working in California schools with high percentages of English learners (ELs). The professional learning focused on developing foundational skills including systematic vocabulary development, phonological awareness, mathematical and scientific inquiry skills, and differentiated targeted instruction matched to the language and literacy levels of early EL learners. REA collaborated with Project Adelante to conduct experimental field studies of the Project Adelante’s RULE of 3 curriculum in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten and 1st grade classrooms. In the second initiative, Project Avanzando, REA has again partnered with UC Riverside to support development and research the online version of RULE of 3.