AISL Spotlight: Exploring Impacts of an Afterschool Science Club on STEM Graduate Student Mentors

The Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Program is a National-Science Foundation initiative that funds research on a variety of STEM-based informal experiences and environments. At Rockman et al Cooperative, we’ve conducted research and evaluation of almost 30 AISL projects! Over the next month, we’re highlighting a few of those projects here. Today, we’re spotlighting the […]

Educators’ Perspectives on the Affordances of Afterschool Spaces: Findings From a Pilot Multimedia Children’s Program

In Fall 2022-Spring 2023, researchers from Rockman et al Cooperative evaluated a pilot of a multimedia afterschool children’s program being developed by Twin Cities Public Television as part of a five-year US Department of Education Ready-to-Learn grant. The SkillsvilleTM Children’s Program includes television, digital, and analog activities, with content centered on three curricular pillars: Executive […]

Caregivers’ Perspectives on Executive Functioning Skills, Self-Regulation Strategies, and Career Exposure for Young Children: Findings From a National Needs Assessment

In Summer 2021, researchers from Rockman et al Cooperative conducted a nationwide needs assessment to inform children’s programming being developed by Twin Cities Public Television as part of a five-year US Department of Education Ready-to-Learn grant. The programs being developed include television, digital, and analog activities, and are centered on three curricular pillars: Executive function […]

The Rise of Artificial Intelligence: Exploring Ethics of AI with Youth

Artificial Intelligence (AI) encompasses one of the most complex scientific and engineering challenges in history (West & Allen, 2018; Anderson et al, 2018). With the rapid development of technology, AI permeates essentially all sectors of the economy and society. From speech recognition and natural language processing used to run chatbots or social media bots to […]

In the Black Mirror: Youth Investigations Into Artificial Intelligence

As machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) continue to be integrated into more or more facets of society, it is vital we examine how underrepresented groups are impacted by these rapid technology developments. AI advancements in facial recognition, voice recognition, Natural Language Processing (NLP), and big data processing have benefited some groups and aspects […]